A little less than a month ago we found out that we are having a precious baby girl! Davy and I couldn't be more excited!! We have decided to name her Kennedy Jane Allred! I couldn't be more anxious and excited! On the day that we found out we were having a girl our doctor thought she saw something on her brain. David and I were super nervous and scared of what could happen. Our doctor told us it could be a cyst, but that we shouldn't be too worried. Of course we were very worried we just wanted our baby to be healthy. Our doctor then told us that we needed to see a specialized Radiologist, so we did a couple days later. At our Radiologist appointment we got another ultrasound and found out that everything was perfectly healthy with our little girl. She was growing just perfectly, her heartbeat was strong as can be and she was cute as ever. We think she is going to be tall though because her femur measured a week longer than everything else in her body. It really is an amazing experience being able to see her and feel her. I love laying in bed at night feeling her moving and kicking me. We are so blessed and so grateful for this miracle.

Last week I flew on a plane for my very first time. It was kinda scary at first just because I didn't know what to expect, but after I settled down it was really fun! I would much rather fly home to Utah than drive the long 10 hours it takes to get there. I flew home to help my mom with Girls Camp. For a while we didn't know whether we were going to have camp, because of all the fires around there, and one happened to be right by where we went to girls camp at. Finally the stake presidency decided we would go up Ephraim Canyon. It was actually a pretty fun place. We were very crowded, and things were very different, but it was still a fun time. I really enjoyed being able to spend time with my mom and both of my sisters, but I did also miss my hubby a lot! Before heading back to the air port we stopped in to see my grandparents for just a minute. Grandma had to see my baby bump one last time before we moved back to Utah for school. I got back to Wyoming on Saturday July 14, just in time for the Byron fireworks. Those are always a blast to go to because you sit only a couple hundred feet away from where they light them off so you get a super cool affect. On Tuesday July 17 I got a text from my mom saying that my Grandma Brown was back in the hospital and she wasn't doing very good. I got this text while Davy was playing softball so I was around a bunch of people. I went off and found somewhere I could just cry where no one would see me. My parents kept me updated all night and around 11:00 p.m. that night I got the call no one ever wants to get. I got the call that my Grandma had just passed away. It was so unexpected! I mean she had been weak and kinda sick for a while but we didn't think she was that sick. I was just talking to her and laughing with her only a couple days earlier. She was supposed to be getting better so our little girl would have a great-grandma Brown. But grandma being stubborn like she always is had to go up and meet Kennedy before anyone else. She always had to be the first at everything and this was no exception. We just hope and pray that she doesn't keep her up there past my due date... haha My grandma was brought back to her loving Father in Heavens arms by her sweet daughter Caroline, My baby brother Kody, one of her brothers, one of her sisters and both of her parents. She looked so peaceful and pain free when we put her in her casket. We did head back up to Utah, only this time in a car and we were there with my family the next day. I'm so grateful for a loving husband that is so unselfish and amazing! He took two days off of work so I could be with my family during this time. And If it would have been necessary he would have taken more time off. I'm so grateful for him and for his personality and always thinking of others.
My grandma was one amazing woman! She always made sure she got each of her grand kids something for their birthdays. She started Christmas shopping in January and didn't stop until our Christmas party every year. She always spent her money on her grandchildren. They were her pride and joy! My grandpa spent every minute the last couple of weeks helping her everywhere, since she was too weak to move. He is one of the strongest men I know, so every time a tear would trickle down his cheek I would break down in tears. I'm so glad we stopped in to say bye to my Grandparents before I left back to Wyoming, I didn't ever think it was going to be a goodbye until I die. It really was a rough week having to say goodbye to her, but I know that without the gospel it would have been even harder!
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