
Monday, March 17, 2014

Some days...

Do you ever have those days as a stay at home mom, where you feel like you did absolutely nothing, and when the hubby comes home you feel bad because of the messy house? Well that happens to me more often than it should.  Davy gets home and I tell him that I didn't just sit on my butt all day even though it looks like it. And then I really get thinking, what did I actually do all day? Let me tell you! The life of a stay at home mom is not always easy.  You don't always get the acknowledgement from it.  You don't always get thanked.  And sometimes you just want to go back to bed. 
But then you do get those rewards in ways that I would say are way better than any job could offer! Taking Kennedy to the park on days that are warm has become a great tradition! I love watching her interact with other kids, I love watching her discover new talents she has.  I love to watch her grow and become more confident.  Its amazing how much can change in one trip to the park.  One day she is terrified of going down the slide, the next day she wants to try it all by herself.  Its amazing! Looking at family pictures has also become a great thing we do.  Its fun teaching her about all her relatives and its even more fun to tell her about the ones that have passed away.  
I teach her about animals and what they say, I teach her to say please and thank you, I teach her about Jesus, and I teach her about confidence and self image.  She is such a smart girl already and I hope she can teach her little sister to be confident and loving.   Daily I kiss her owies, I hug her better and I comfort her when she becomes frightened. Tickle all the sillies out.  Rock with her because she is being really cuddly and I just can't seem to put her down.  I am a doctor, a therapist, a patient, a different animal every minute, a record player, a blanket, a chef, and most importantly a mommy!! We enjoy our conversations and our daily dance parties.  I love to let her see baby sister kick my tummy (even though she doesn't understand). 
Although I know there are many things I need to do to improve my relationship with her I feel that some days the house work can wait, and I just need to take the time to really BE with my little girl! I feel that maybe one less episode of Mickey Mouse a day and one more story read to my little girl will be a great way to start strengthening my relationship.  
Being pregnant with a toddler isn't easy by any means, especially on days like today where the pregnancy has been very rough, and the toddler doesn't want to take a nap because her new teeth coming in are bugging her.  But honestly I wouldn't EVER change it for anything!! God still  manages to help me ouT ANd helps me to have the energy and strength to overcome just about anything!